We’re here to help. Reach out to us for any inquiries or details about our services, and we’ll provide the answers you need.
Depending on the complexity of your building you can expect delivery anywhere between 10-12 weeks.
Unfortunately within the steel building industry there are sales tactics that are misleading and designed to make people act on our natural impulses of trying to get the best deal available. These are typically found in the companies that offer what they coin as a “cancelled” building order. In our 20 years experience we have never had a cancelled building order that has been put thru manufacturing.
Your building is a long-term investment that needs to suit your needs. It is important that any company you buy from has a clear understanding of your building and the individual requirements that you need prior to discussing any type of pricing for a building. This should be completed either by telephone consultation or an in-person meeting. There should be no discussion about money exchanging hands until all the fine details are addressed and agreed upon.
It is important to know that extra engineering will be required in most cases for foundations for a custom engineered steel building.
In most cases you will require a building permit. It is important to contact your local building officials when you first consider building in order to know the requirements for your area.
We will make sure to get started on your project as quickly as possible after our initial consultation. Depending on the complexity of the project we can get you a price quotation and set of preliminary drawings within 1-5 business days.
Our buildings are custom-engineered steel buildings meaning that the cost per square foot is different for each individual project.
Just as your building is individual for your needs the services we provide our based on your requirements. We will discuss with you our three service options: supply only, supply and erect and project management.
Looking for a custom-designed steel building? At Paris Building, we create durable and affordable steel structures tailored to your needs and Canada’s climate.
Our unique service gives you the exact steel building, resistant to Canadian climate, for your specific uses.No making concessions to try to make a pre-determined building design fit. You can have your custom solution at a price that is more than palatable for your budget.